Consider the following function, defined on ListOfNumbers: ;; odd-elements : ListOfNumbers -> ListOfNumbers (define (odd-elements lst) (cond [(empty? lst) empty] [(empty? (rest lst)) (first lst)] [else (cons (first lst) (odd-elements (rest (rest lst))))])) Which of the following are valid halting measures for odd-elements ? a) when lst is empty b) when lst has one or fewer elements c) the length of lst d) the number of elements of lst e) the largest element of lst Next, consider the data type An AltList is one of -- empty -- (list Number AltList) and the function alt-odd-elements : AltList -> AltList (define (alt-odd-elements x) (cond [(empty? x) empty] [(empty? (second x)) (list (first x) empty)] [else (list (first x) (alt-odd-elements (second (second x))))])) Which of the following are valid halting measures for odd-elements ? a) when x is empty b) when x has one or fewer elements c) the length of x d) the number of elements of x e) the largest element of x
Last modified: Mon Aug 29 20:28:27 Eastern Daylight Time 2016